уторак, 7. април 2015.

Religious tourism in Serbia

Monastery Krusedol

Religious tourism in Serbia in recent years is becoming increasingly popular among domestic tourists, but still not enough known to potential visitors from abroad. Statistics shows that of all branches of tourism only a religious not show declined in recent years but rather increase, as people around the world are increasingly deciding to servants of the trip. Serbia with an extremely richcultural heritage, religious monuments, but also the richness of the different religious has a chance to be among the world's leading countries when it comes to this type of tourism.
Religious tourism in Serbia has significant potential primarily due to cultural and religious monuments that were left here from the period of the Serbian Empire. Period of Nemanjic dynasty was the most prolific when it comes to the Orthodox cultural - historical monuments. Representatives of the dynasty, one of the most important in our history began with the construction of endowments across the country, many of which are preserved to this day, so we have in various parts of the Orthodox monuments of medieval Serbia.

Monasteries of Serbian Orthodox Church are divided by dioceses and each is significant for a historical period. So in Vojvodina worth exploring, among other Fruska Gora monasteries, western Serbia has monasteries in Ovcar-Kablar gorge, while Kosovo with a rich cultural - historical heritage buildings which has been under the protection of UNESCO as a World Cultural Heritage. Valley of the Kings is part of Central Serbia, which also preserves the rich heritage when it comes to monasteries that are definitely worth a visit.
Religious tourism in Serbia has one great advantage, namely the demographic diversity that is the history behind left monuments of different cultures and religions.In Serbia there are over:
  • 700 Orthodox monasteries
  • 30 Roman Catholic churches
  • 15 mosques and 3 synagogues
Religious tourism in spite of all these resources and benefits has been stagnating. As experts say the number of foreign tourists coming to Serbia for the sake of religious tourism has not changed for 10 years. While in previous years the highest number of any of tourists comes from Italy, now leading tourists comes from Canada and the United States.

Monastery Gracanica

White Angel

White Angel  is a detail of one of the most well-known frescoes in Serbian culture in the Mileševa monastery, Mironosnice na Hristovom grobu (Myrrhbearers on Christ's Grave), dated c. 1235 in Serbia during the reign of King Stephen Vladislav I of Serbia. Considered one of the most beautiful works of Serbian and European art from the High Middle Ages, this fresco is considered to be one of the great achievements in European painting.

White Angel
Žiča Monastery

Žiča is an early 13th-century Serb Otrhodox monastery near Kraljevo, Serbia. The monastery, together with the Church of the Holy Dormition, was built by the first King of Serbia, Stefan the First Crowned and the first Head of the Serbian Church, Saint Sava. Žiča was declared a Cultural Monument of Exceptional Importance in 1979, and it is protected by Serbia.
Image result for manastir zica
Žiča Monastery

If you want to found out more about our monasteries visit http://www.serbia.travel/culture/monasteries/

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